With the warmer weather now finally here, and the thoughts of lying on a beach reading a book and sipping a cocktail in the not so distant future, McDougall Mcqueen has put together our top tips for securing your property over the summer to ensure burglars don’t enjoy your summer holiday as much as you do (according to the latest figures the number of burglaries has risen
by 9% over the previous year).
- Always close and lock your windows when leaving your property
- Do not leave valuables on display through windows
- Keep car keys out of site
- Consider installing a visible security light or alarms to deter criminals
- If you are going on holiday, make sure your house appears occupied whilst you are away (put your lights on a timer and don’t advertise you are going away on social media)
- If you are away from your home for a long period of time, check your insurance policy to ensure you are covered
- If you have an investment property which is likely to be empty over the summer, then inspect your property regularly and ensure you check for any leaks or problems with plumbing.
Remember that going on holiday doesn’t mean that you can’t however put your property on the market. Summer is often a good time to sell with less competition. Speak to the team at McDougall McQueen who can look after your property and ensure it is shown to it’s best potential whilst you are away.